Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eternity Psalm

You have heard my every word
day and night you heard me

I have reached my hand out to you
My hand stretches beyond the heavens

These eyes have seen the land
from east to west and north to south

My heart aches to hear you, again
That voice transcends time and space

Soul Song

Your hope, It echo’s
The echo is heard in the chambers

Your love, It echo’s
The echo is heard against the walls

Your faith, It echo’s
The echo is heard on your heart

Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's Me!!

I realize that I have not posted anything in a couple of months. So, here I am alive and direct straight from my lovely labtop. I wanted to share a picture that my friend sent to me.

This flower is a Columbine Flower. My friend said I was like this flower. This is her quote, "You are beautiful like a Columbine flower, bowing to the Lord in love". This is so nice of her to say and to incredibly thoughtful.

Well, I wanted to share this with all of you and please share it with your friends. I would not mind having just a few more followers!

Monday, March 22, 2010


The sun shines against it.

The eyes reflect the eyes.

The face sees the face.

The heart feels the heart.

The blinds close
dusk appears before it.

The eyes reflect the blurry.

The face sees the worn.

The heart feels the breaking.

The crescent arises.

The eyes reflect the peace.

The face sees rejoicing.

The heart feels the thumping.


Everywhere I turn
It catches my eye
Surrounding me

My arm stretches out
The fingers glide across it
The ripples flow

Completely drenched
All the way in
It draws you in

No resurfacing
No turning back

Monday, January 25, 2010

Haiti receives HOPE!!

Here are some highlights from the Telethon to help Haiti restore its land back to it's original purpose.

This performance with Justin Timberlake is quite extraordinary. It hits my heart in a way that is soulful.

If you thought the above performance was extraordinary. Let Beyonce and Chris Martin hit your spirit in a way that will change your heart. She is singing to Haiti and comforting them during their grief.

Last but not least, It's three people I probably would not have thought to ever sing together. Yes! That's right, Jay-Z, Bono, and Rihanna. Jay-Z does the lead part and it's pretty amazing to see the connection between Rihanna and Bono. It's almost like a connection between a father and daughter, or maybe it's a small example of a Father's Love.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A "revolution of love" -Mother Teresa

What are you doing to contribute to your community?

Where are you volunteering your time?

How are you serving those around you?

Here is your answer!!